FSC Certified

We are proud to announce we have become FSC certified! Please ask about our FSC certified lumber. All of our reclaimed lumber products are FSC certified. We also have access to FSC certified IPE, Douglas fir and redwood lumber.

Looking for LEED certification for a commercial building or residence? We supply products that qualify for both MR 5 and MR 7 credits that help towards LEED certification.
Need some reclaimed lumber inspiration ideas? Check out these cool ways to incorporate reclaimed wood in your home project: Reclaimed Lumber Ideas

From the USGBC

The U.S. Green Building Council is committed to transforming how our buildings are designed, constructed and operated through LEED, the world’s most widely used green building system, with more than 120,000 buildings participating today.

Their vision is that buildings and communities will regenerate and sustain the health all life within a generation.


LEED-certified buildings are proven to save money, improve efficiency, lower carbon emissions and create healthier places for people. They are critical to addressing the climate crisis, meeting ESG goals, enhancing resilience, and supporting more equitable communities.

We’re working on expanding our coverage of priority topics and industry strategies, and we’re taking action to advance each one in the market. Explore definitions, reports, articles and a description of the topic’s nexus with LEED. DecarbonizationelectrificationequityESGgreen financehuman healthnet zero and resilience.

View and download The Lumber Baron, Inc Chain of Custody Certificate.

Our Lumber is Sustainable and Green:

Studies prove that when it comes to environmental performance, natural wood is superior to synthetic products in every way. Of all the building products, the lumber we sell has some of the lowest impacts on air and water quality. Its production produces far fewer toxins and green house gases in comparison to composites and cement. While other building materials generate greenhouse gasses, the lumber we stock actually removes greenhouse gasses from the atmosphere. Unlike brick, cement and composite lumber, Western Red Cedar and Redwood is renewable and biodegradable. Plus, our lumber is sourced from the most sustainably managed forests in the world.

Wood is the only major building material that is renewable—a reason why Canada’s forest base is still abundant after 150 years of harvesting. For every Western Red Cedar that’s harvested, at least 3 are planted. As the trees grow they take in carbon dioxide and release oxygen. Lumber producers have been replacing harvested trees so diligently over the last few decades that North American forests have actually grown by 20% since 1970.

Wood is resistant, and in the right conditions, lasts for a very long time. Several wooden structures through out the world have lasted over a thousand years. In fact, a major part of our business is selling incredible lumber from deconstructed buildings. The ultimate in reducing the consumption of materials, our reclaimed lumber exquisite and rich in history. Check out our other reclaimed lumber options.

Research proves that “greenness” has a measurable impact on occupants. And not just in residential applications. Used in retail and hospitality, it enhances customer experiences. In healthcare it contributes to faster healing. In workspaces it promotes productivity and boosts morale. As urbanization continues, factoring these benefits into modern design is crucial. Not to mention incorporating wood and its benefits in residential applications.

FSC Certified