The Old San Francisco Bay Bridge, a landmark architectural piece for the Bay Area, was completed on November 12, 1936. Following the partial collapse of the upper deck during the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake, construction of a new self-anchored suspension bridge began in 2002 which, according to Guinness World Records, is the world's widest bridge. [...]
Willits Reclaimed Redwood Bridge Timbers
max Lumber Baron2024-04-10T14:22:21-07:00Early engineers turned to massive beams to carry the structural loads of California’s first bridges. From the Davis Creek Bridge in Willits, CA we have acquired a large amount of massive, old growth, dense structural, Reclaimed Redwood Bridge Timbers. These 6"x16"x16' and 18' timbers are ready to be transformed into their next life. Creatively use [...]
Mira Loma Quartermaster Depot Reclaimed Redwood
max Lumber Baron2024-02-14T09:44:49-08:00Construction of the Mira Loma Quarter Master Depot began in 1942 and it soon was tasked with an "overseas distribution mission for subsistence, general supplies, clothing, and equipage" of troops during World War II. In 1952 the property was transferred to the U.S. Airforce and in 2022 a large demolition project commenced. From the reclamation [...]
Reclaimed Redwood Fence Boards
max Lumber Baron2024-02-14T09:46:09-08:00With varying shades of grey and brown, reclaimed redwood fence boards can be configured together to make unique accent walls, furniture...even house siding. Reclaimed from various fence projects throughout the Bay Area, our fence boards are saved from the landfill, hand selected for quality, denailed, and ready to serve in your next home project. Available [...]
All Heart Redwood Siding
max Lumber Baron2024-11-19T11:57:12-08:00All heart redwood siding is an beautiful, long lasting, sustainable material choice for contractors and home owners alike. Due to it's beauty, easy work-ability, and longevity redwood siding will continue to be highly sought after. In widths ranging from 4"-12", and lengths from 6'-20', The Lumber Baron stocks 3 different all heart red wood siding [...]
Western Red Cedar Lumber
admin2024-02-28T16:19:45-08:00Western Red Cedar Lumber is a beautiful, resilient, versatile product. It is one of the most valuable species due to the unique color, texture, and durability of its wood. With proper finishing and maintenance, cedar will remain beautiful and last for decades. WRCedar is ideal for accepting and holding a wide range of beautiful finishes [...]
Reclaimed Kapur Lumber
max Lumber Baron2024-01-26T12:52:38-08:00From the elevator shafts of the Copper King Mine established in 1881 in Yavapai, AZ, The Lumber Baron is proud to announce the arrival of 6x8 old growth reclaimed Kapur timbers, a bunch of which we milled into our Rustic Reclaimed Kapur Flooring. In search of dense, hardwood to support the weight of the mine [...]
San Bernardino Reservoir Reclaimed Redwood
max Lumber Baron2024-11-19T09:44:05-08:00From a large, football stadium size, water reservoir in San Bernardino, CA, The Lumber Baron is proud to offer clear all heart, Reclaimed Reservoir Redwood Lumber in 2x10, 4x12, and 8x8 sizes. The 2x10 and 4x12 redwood served as the rafters holding up the structures metal roof. A full 2” thick, the 2x10 (net 2" x [...]
Forever Floors…Reclaimed Doug Fir 2x T&G Clear Vertical Grain Flooring
admin2024-01-31T13:02:29-08:00The Lumber Baron's Forever Floors- Reclaimed Doug Fir Flooring. Create your own Legacy. Introducing our “Forever Floors,” 2x6 t&g, clear vertical grain flooring, reclaimed from the Sears factory store in San Leandro. The material carries the Weyerhaeuser Lumber Mill’s legendary “4–SQUARE” lumber stamp, a symbol that came to signify the premier douglas fir product in [...]
Redwood beams and Redwood timbers
admin2024-11-19T12:37:42-08:00The Lumber Baron stocks an unheard of selection of all-heart redwood beams and redwood timbers in grades ranging from Con Heart to Clear All Heart. Our array of sizes and vast selection of grades makes buying your redwood beams from us a no brainer. Our redwood timbers can be used beautifully in the construction of [...]
Dry Old Growth and Dense Vertical Grain Lumber
admin2024-11-19T09:27:46-08:00Everyone else will call you crazy for even asking, but we do stock clear all heart old growth vertical grain redwood here at The Lumber Baron. Mostly 4" and 6" widths, we offer both a new growth and a dense vertical grain options. Clear all heart, dry and with a fine grain count, this lumber [...]
Reclaimed Douglas Fir From The San Leandro/Georgia Pacific Paper Mill
max Lumber Baron2024-02-14T09:56:36-08:00From the San Leandro Georgia Pacific paper mill in (you guessed it) San Leandro, CA we have acquired a large number of reclaimed Douglas fir old growth beams. Hand selected for growth ring density, milled, this lumber will make exquisite trim or flooring, door or window stock. Left alone they will make incredible exposed beams. [...]
Sonoma Fire Reclaimed Redwood Water Tank
max Lumber Baron2024-02-28T16:26:48-08:002017's Sonoma fire storm devastated the area. This 150,000 gallon redwood water tank stood right in the fire's path. The roof burned, as well as the top four feet of all the boards, but the water line, at 16' high, saved the rest of the tank. The only thing left standing, this redwood water tank [...]
Redwood Fencing
admin2024-11-18T10:33:08-08:00Whether it's posts, rails or fence boards, The Lumber Baron has all your Redwood Fencing Lumber needs covered. We stock the thickest and widest material on the market, not the flimsy 5/8” stock you see elsewhere. Our extra redwood fence board width (equivalent to 1/2" or more) means you will need less fence boards to [...]
Bodega Bay Redwood Water Tanks
max Lumber Baron2024-02-28T16:27:07-08:00From the beautiful Bodega Bay Coast line, this pair of massive 75,000 gallon water tanks are ready to be re-purposed. Measuring 2 -1/2" x 5-1/4" x 17' and 2-1/2" x 7-1/4" x 17', these old growth, clear all heart redwood staves are ideal for table tops, exposed rafters or can become exquisite redwood siding. This [...]