
Reclaimed Redwood Reservoir Beams


Builders of the past used material that was readily available and around here, redwood reigned supreme. This collection of 6x6 clear all heart redwood timbers came from the Almaden Reservoir. Many of the ends are stamped "Dense Structural," a grade the old mills burned into the ends, signifying to the buyer few to no knots [...]

Pressure Treated Douglas Fir


With no forewarning, the state of California deemed Pressure Treated Doug Fir a class one hazardous waste product in early 2020. Soon after the local dumps began rejecting the material. That was enough for us. We immediately made the decision to no longer carry any pressure treated lumber. Although the state eventually eased its designation [...]

Pressure Treated Douglas Fir


With no forewarning, the state of California deemed Pressure Treated Doug Fir a class one hazardous waste product in early 2020. Soon after the local dumps began rejecting the material. That was enough for us. We immediately made the decision to no longer carry any pressure treated lumber. Although the state eventually eased its [...]