Project Description

Western Red Clear Cedar Beams. Ideal for trellis or arbor material, we carry a large selection of WRC beams in a #2 and Better Clear grade.
We regularly stock:




Limited amounts of 10x and 12x

Beam Lengths − From six to twenty feet long.
Milling – With an onsite mill we are happy to mill other dimensions such as 3×3 or 4×10 from our stock.
Surfacing − We can surface to your desired dimensions onsite.

Western Red Cedar Lumber is a beautiful, resilient, versatile product. It is one of the most valuable species due to the unique color, texture, and durability of its wood. With proper finishing and maintenance, cedar will remain beautiful and last for decades. WRCedar is ideal for accepting and holding a wide range of beautiful finishes including dark stains, bleaches, and semi-transparents. Our #2 and better clear vertical grain grade with its dense grain structure and lack of knots appeals to the modern building style. It also resonates with classic homes, when straight line, dense grain, old growth products were readily available. Our Clear Cedar Beams are available in a number of lumber dimensions and surface textures.

Our Lumber is Sustainable and Green:

Studies prove that when it comes to environmental performance, natural wood is superior to synthetic products in every way. Of all the building products, the lumber we sell has some of the lowest impacts on air and water quality. Its production produces far fewer toxins and green house gases in comparison to composites and cement. While other building materials generate greenhouse gasses, the lumber we stock actually removes greenhouse gasses from the atmosphere. Unlike brick, cement and composite lumber, Western Red Cedar is renewable and biodegradable. Plus, WRCedar is sourced from the most sustainably managed forests in the world.

Wood is the only major building material that is renewable—a reason why Canada’s forest base is still abundant after 150 years of harvesting. For every Western Red Cedar that’s harvested, at least 3 are planted. As the trees grow they take in carbon dioxide and release oxygen. Lumber producers have been replacing harvested trees so diligently over the last few decades that North American forests have actually grown by 20% since 1970.